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I'm LOVING Banqer!

I'm gradually getting things settled, but it is almost the same pitch of excitement and frenzy of the Wall St stock market in my room. I have a Stationery Clerk in charge of who borrows stationery and how much to charge them, an Inspector who checks up on everyone's jobs that they are done and let's me know who needs paying and who needs a fine. I have a Secretary who rules up charts, hands things outs, sorts out the Company applications and job applicants so it makes my job less frantic. I think I'll need a Newspaper company soon who can write up my weekly Banqer News . I have advertising managers as well as the usual rubbish, windows, chair and desk tidiers. I only have the kids for an hour a day, but already there is quite a lot of activity with someone selling baking, another selling sherbet, someone else making stress balls to sell, a hair braiding company, a massage company, and even someone renting out iPad chargers on a five minute basis. And on top of that I had to hold a "court" session over a couple of allegations and issue fines. All of this needed to be written up in the Banqer News. It is certainly taking up quite a bit of my time each day, but I'm absolutely loving it to see these bright minds exploding with ideas and using their initiative with money making schemes, like offering coding lessons. Someone asked to set up a gambling parlour but the answer was a definite NO. Mind you, they would probably make a bit of money! LOLThere will be an earthquake in the weekend, so that will stir things up a bit in the house insurance market. And next week I'll start paying large sums of money for completed Maths Projects.

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Debbie Bridge