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Let's discuss the best way to progress through Banqer for you and your students.
Every pathway through Banqer is different. We've made it very flexible enough so that you can make it relevant to your unique classroom situation. This freedom is great but it does make it difficult in advising teachers how best to progress through Banqer.
The first thing to consider is the age of your students. Banqer is used by students as young as six years old, but chances are they're not learning about progressive tax systems or minimum deposits. At this age Banqer is really only suitable as a classroom currency. As students get older, it will be appropriate for them to engage with the more advanced modules in Banqer.
The way we present the modules in the left-hand sidebar within Banqer should provide some kind of indication as to which order to enable the modules in. Once your students have a grasp on making payments then you're ready to explore the modules. I wouldn't enable my first module until having spent at least a week on the basics of Banqer.
For a more in-depth guide on planning Banqer Primary and enabling modules, check out this resource post.