
First term using Banqer + Class Online Auction

As a first time user of Banqer on a Year 6 class, I have enjoyed seeing the enthusiasm from my students as they have obtained a basic income from class attendance and job income. I used the regular jobs required in a classroom and monetized other leadership positions in the school (captains, prefects, SRC, house captains, library monitors, etc). I also started with the suggested expenses (40% of basic income). Financially savvy students regularly move the majority of their money into their savings account to take advantage of weekly interest payments.In addition to weekly online income, I printed out lots of the physical Banqer dollars (laminated for durability) and hand these out as instant and tangible recognition for excellent effort, work and behaviour. I've also given these to subject specialist teachers (eg Art, PE, Music, French, etc) to hand out as rewards. I have assigned two student bankers who collect physical dollars at the end of each week and pay into student accounts.At the end of term I hosted our first online 'eBay style' auction using our school's Learning Management System that students use regularly with their BYOD (iPads). Students could list up to 3 items each that had previously been approved by their parent and myself. Listings included a photo, description and a bidding starting price. I set a 30 minute window of live bidding for the 50+ items listed. Students could bid in multiples of $10 so long as the bid exceeded the previous bid.At the end of the auction, students with the last and highest bid completed a payment for the item on Banqer (I enabled student payments just for this period of time) to the seller and when the seller saw the funds in their bank account they traded the item.Popular items included lolly and Easter egg packs homemade cupcakes (sold in packs of 8), pamper packs, personal accessories, stationery, etc. I also got a lot of interest (& money) for some vouchers that cost me nothing: A Homework Free Week, Couch for a Week, and an Early to Recess and Lunch for a Week (+ choice of sporting equipment).It was a great way to finish the term and students loved the experience, buyers getting some great items with their accumulated money and sellers greatly increasing their net worth! Students are looking forward to future auctions as well as discovering new modules on investments, etc. Banqer is a wonderful resource!

Andrew Love