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Student input with setting up income and expenses

Our class has just started using Banqer this term. Having researched the minimum wage and student wages they have agreed to a weekly wage of $378 being $12.60 for a 6 hour day (no lunch payment). I have charged them weekly expenses of $80 desk hire $20 wifi and $30 power. This week I noticed the lights have not been turned on nor the heater (even with a southerly change in temp). They have a requested a power rebate!! They also calculated wage increases for improved learning behaviour in the classroom based on the student wage upper range of $13.20 p.h and $ 16.50 p.h.They are now forming companies to earn more and have chosen the savings option of 10% with a minimum deposit $500 and penalty for early withdrawal (5 weeks)f $500.

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Susan Levett