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Stolen funds
As part of my Banqer lessons I regularly "steal" money from my student's accounts. Some times all of them and sometimes just some of them. I do this to see who is really checking their accounts and ta
Student input with setting up income and expenses
Our class has just started using Banqer this term. Having researched the minimum wage and student wages they have agreed to a weekly wage of $378 being $12.60 for a 6 hour day (no lunch payment).
Using Banqer to teach probability
I have recently used Banqer to teach the class about probability. We played a range of chance games using coins and dice and once the students understood their chances of success versus failure we use
Life cards
We introduced the Chance cards (similar to Monopoly might be hit with an unexpected bill or bonus-such as car break down; tooth filling; tattslotto win etc. It was a once a week thing and the taught
Risks and benefits of insurance
I activated the Property Insurance module at the start of this week and my class had a great discussion about the risks and benefits of insurance: Sometimes you pay a lot of money for something you ne
Students 'donations' make a real difference with real $$
In connection with our school wide values unit of Kindness this term, I gathered pledges of real NZ cash from staff. My students are aiming to 'donate' $2000 in Banqer dollars, this term and next.
Interest-ing house prices
Today my kids spent the afternoon looking at house prices, and how much interest people pay for their houses. We used the new app brought out last week, and lots of the students could ma
Cyber safety
I have been using Banqer with my year 4-6 students as an example of passwords that need to be secure and safe. I have used social engineering, trickery, bribes and underhand tactics to try and obtai
The 10 strangest things that have been used as money
I read this story today online and thought it would be brilliant to share with students. It would create some cool discussions around what money is and how, if people are willing to trade, currencies
Going Once, Going Twice... Sold!
What a fantastic end to the term and way to celebrate some awesome saving and learning - a class Auction! I have collected a bunch of prizes/items over the term, so as a way for students to spend thei
Class Job Posters
In my classroom I let the students come up with all our class companies. I may direct some of them towards certain jobs that might need doing in our room or around the school. Once companies are for
The Banq is Open
If you use paper money an easy way to stop students from asking if they can banq money at the wrong time is to use a sign. It sounds really simple and it is. It is a visual way for students to quickl