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First term using Banqer + Class Online Auction
As a first time user of Banqer on a Year 6 class, I have enjoyed seeing the enthusiasm from my students as they have obtained a basic income from class attendance and job income. I used the regular jo
Year 6/7 Class
We introduced Banqer to our class in Term 4 last year and it was an instant success with the students and with the parents as well. Have continued to use it again this year and proving very motivation
Monopoly, Probability & Financial Literacy
My class have spent one maths lesson a week learning about Financial Literacy, during the last 10 weeks. I only see these students 4 times a week and they really enjoy what they are learning. We have
Bank manager visit
We are a year 6/7/8 class and our whole Maths programme for the last few weeks has been based on Banqer and financial literacy. We have had a local bank manager visit us twice and have filled out form
Interest-ing house prices
Today my kids spent the afternoon looking at house prices, and how much interest people pay for their houses. We used the new app brought out last week, and lots of the students could ma