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Banqer Auction Pack Giveaway!

We always love hearing about the unique ways that teachers and students are using Banqer in their classrooms. Such tales can also help other teachers to find inspiration on how to utilise Banqer in their classrooms. That's why we're asking all the wonderful Banqer teachers out there to share your stories on what you've found works with Banqer or what novel ways you've been using it.Any post made here in the community before the end of Term 2 (7 July - don't freak out) will go into the draw to win one of our famous Banqer Auction Packs! Having an end of term auction is a great way to focus students on why they should be saving every week (there's a tip!).There'll also be spot prizes along the way. I have it on good authority that spot prizes consist of chocolate coins, chocolate coins and, well, more chocolate coins. Someone may have overdone it on the last chocolate coin order...So get posting now! Let us know how you're using Banqer and if you have any tips for other teachers out there!

Avatar of Tim Wilkinson
Tim Wilkinson