Have loved trialling (and will now implement with modifications) Banqer as a tool to foster positive behaviour in class. Giving student choice in rewards whether they wanted to push for something personal or contribute towards a class collective goal gave every student something to strive for. It took a detailed spreadsheet to keep things recorded - this will be simplified in the coming year via some custom items in the shop. Students were thrilled to earn a 'banqer bonus' for doing something well. Choices do need consequences and there was the occasional fine issued. But students learned from their actions and progressed. By contributing to a larger reward, students saw the value in saving, they could push for immediate gain, that brought short term reward (and this happened initially), but this then stretched the time until the next one so they learnt to value their money and work collectively on their behaviour to speed up the process and push for greater collective success. Simplifying rewards and using this has been fantastic and I hope to continue it this year.