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Great help for our Market Day

Great help for our Market Day

A term focus was on creating and advertising items to sell for reward money on a market day. Banqer assisted in various ways. We were able to teach the students financial Literacy and the value of mon

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Banqer: Turning Year 6 Students into Financial Superheroes!

Banqer: Turning Year 6 Students into Financial Superheroes!

As a Year 6 teacher, I've seen my fair share of educational tools, but Banqer is like the superhero of financial literacy! Imagine trying to explain taxes to a bunch of 11-year-olds without their eyes

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Financial Literacy made E A S Y and F U N!

Financial Literacy made E A S Y and F U N!

I teach Y7 & Y8. We love using Banqer! The students participate in weekly "Bonus Bucks" tasks that aim to improve their fitness or our school. Usually we have a physical challenge (example: 10 push

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Banqer as a Behaviour Tool to foster Engagement

Banqer as a Behaviour Tool to foster Engagement

Have loved trialling (and will now implement with modifications) Banqer as a tool to foster positive behaviour in class. Giving student choice in rewards whether they wanted to push for something pers

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First term using Banqer + Class Online Auction

First term using Banqer + Class Online Auction

As a first time user of Banqer on a Year 6 class, I have enjoyed seeing the enthusiasm from my students as they have obtained a basic income from class attendance and job income. I used the regular jo

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Online Banqer Security - Impromptu Lesson

Online Banqer Security - Impromptu Lesson

So in my journey of teaching my students about online banking and financial literacy, i explained that if they left their accounts logged in they were leaving themselves open to theft. I therefore gav

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Realisation about owning vehicles

Realisation about owning vehicles


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Setting up Banqer, and rewarding leadership

Setting up Banqer, and rewarding leadership

We're in the process of setting up Banqer in our 7/8 class, where I've been quite open about using it to not only learn about financial literacy but also as an incentive scheme. Very quickly the class

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Banqer -Maths and Motivation

Banqer -Maths and Motivation

We love Banqer. We get paid $300 to successfully engage in and complete our tasks every week. We give out bonuses for going over and above the expectation and we accrue debts for incompletion of tasks

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My generous soul

My generous soul

Today during my Topic and Spelling lessons i was extremely generous with my "cash bonuses" that i was handing out. The kids really enjoy the cash aspect as it is the physical counting of their money a

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Police department with too much power

Police department with too much power

I have a Police department who would fine our students for offences - shoes on inside; talking when they shouldn't be; wearing their hat; and a few other things. Some of my police - which changed ev

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