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Bank manager visit
We are a year 6/7/8 class and our whole Maths programme for the last few weeks has been based on Banqer and financial literacy. We have had a local bank manager visit us twice and have filled out form
Risks and benefits of insurance
I activated the Property Insurance module at the start of this week and my class had a great discussion about the risks and benefits of insurance: Sometimes you pay a lot of money for something you ne
Public holiday pay, attendance pay and more!
I have a Y7/8 class and I use Banqer for a wide range of things. Banqer dollars are handed out as rewards for being on task, completing work, great behaviour etc. I deposit the money throughout the
Paid employment
At the beginning of each term my class of Year 5's and 6's, apply for monitor jobs around the classroom. They are paid a weekly wage on the condition that they do a good job. We sometimes have bonuses
Students 'donations' make a real difference with real $$
In connection with our school wide values unit of Kindness this term, I gathered pledges of real NZ cash from staff. My students are aiming to 'donate' $2000 in Banqer dollars, this term and next.
How I Use Banqer
My class loves Banqer. I primarily use it as a reward system, depositing money for everything from quiz results to showing school values, to getting changed quickly after swimming! The introduction o
Banqer Auction Pack Giveaway!
We always love hearing about the unique ways that teachers and students are using Banqer in their classrooms. Such tales can also help other teachers to find inspiration on how to utilise Banqer in th
Class Jobs
My kids had a blast brainstorming jobs and payrates today - they cant wait to apply!
Regular income and expenses
Hi Darren, what I did with my class last year through discussion was pay them minimum wage each day they attended school. I then worked out what they used at school and came up with a charge for them
I'm LOVING Banqer!
I'm gradually getting things settled, but it is almost the same pitch of excitement and frenzy of the Wall St stock market in my room. I have a Stationery Clerk in charge of who borrows stationery and
Interest-ing house prices
Today my kids spent the afternoon looking at house prices, and how much interest people pay for their houses. We used the new app brought out last week, and lots of the students could ma
What a disaster!
Earlier this term in my class we initiated Property Insurance. After a discussion around why insuring our properties would be a good idea (being a school in Christchurch this was easy to talk about) m